No One Can

Hallo semuanya! ;))
Di pagi hari yang dingin ini, iya dingin karena hujan, jadi tambah males buat sekolah deh. Ok akhirnya gue mutusin buat nggak masuk sekolah. Muahaha. Jangan ngirain kalo gue bolos yaa, ya karena emang hari ini kegiatan di sekolah cuma KAS (Kegiatan Akhir Sekolah) yaa kek lomba futsal sama masak-masak gitu. Btw hujan-hujan kek gini biasanya kan suasananya enak gitu, yang kedengeran cuma suara gemericik air hujan yang jatuh di tanah, terus suara angin. Ditambah kalo pas lagi hujan lebat ditambah petir kan nggak boleh nyalain TV, nah tambah sendu kan suasanya. Nah ok, terus apa yang bakal kalian lakuin pas hujan kek gitu? Tidur? Iya emang enak tidur sih, apalagi di kelas 12 SMA gini waktu buat tidur sangatlah berharga. Nah tapi kalo nggak ngantuk ngapain? Ujung-ujungnya inget si doi. Flashback? Bisa jadi.

Hmm.. kenapa sih hujan selalu dihubungin sama inget-inget kenangan? Wkwk yaa suasananya mendukung aja, sendu gitu. Btw gue bukan mau bahas tentang flashback, gue nggak mau inget-inget masa lalu ah. Kan nggak penting gitu boskuu. Gue lagi mikirin apa yang lagi ngusik pikiran gue aja selama beberapa minggu, eh beberapa bulan malah. Intinya, gue udah berusaha nyoba, tapi nggak bisa. Dia masih ‘tetep’ punya tempat yang paling luaaaaaaaaaaas di hati gue. Suer. Andai lo tau. Tapi kayaknya lo nggak bakal tau. *backsong: Kahitna - Andai Dia Tahu*

No one can replace you.
No one would try.

No one could make me feel the way you did.
No one will get close enough to see me cry.

No one was there for me the way you were.
No one could make me smile as big as you did.

No one could make everything fade away.
No one could undo the pain I'd felt every single day.

No one drove me crazy quite like you.
No one showed me how wrong I could be.

No one took the time to really see me.
No one loved me enough to walk with me.

I thought you were this perfect gift that could make my world a bit brighter, until I realized you were the reason why it seemed to keep getting darker.

No one could make me feel as worthless as you did.
No one could take my heart and tear it in two.

No one could find my weakness and exploit them like you.
No one was able to get inside and take every secret from my aching heart.

No one would try to break me as much as you dared to.
No one could take my love for granted as much as you do.

No one could make everything seem to crash down as hard as you.
No one could shatter me with one look, or a lack of one.

No one has made me feel so utterly alone while standing right next to me.
So as I seem to be No One to you, You will become No One to me too.... 

Gue udah usaha berbagai cara. Tentunya gue nggak ambisius buat bisa ngelupain. Gue santai mameeen, santai. Tapi tetep nyesek. Pokoknyah, lo bahagia, gue bahagia. Lo sakit, gue sakit. Guesakit, lo tetep bahagia. Sakit ya? Iya. Sebenernya kalo lo baca post ini terus ELOOH nggak ngerasa, asli, lo begok! ;33 btw kemaren pagi gue iseng aja ngetweet random perasaan gue haha, eh anjir pas udah mau gue hapus karena gue ngerasa itu tweet terlalu frontal. Eh malah diretweet sama anak-anak. :( anjir deeeeeh huhu.


Ya udah sekian. Salam ya dari sini. :)


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